mercredi 9 septembre 2015

A Data acquisition card for fault diagnosis of DC Motors

A Data acquisition card for fault diagnosis of DC Motors part 2

  I designed this project for the sake of research. In the fact, i needed a system that generates massive reel data for learning some artificial intelligence/machine learning models such as Bayesian Networks or Bayesian Belief Networks or simply probabilistic graphical models.
  After several designs, firstly by using Microchip PIC microcontrolers in the hart of the system, then by merging to AVR, to finally ending by using Arduino. I succeeded finally to have a platform to generate the required Data that i need in my field of research.
 The goal after all for this project is to design a system that perform a fault diagnosis of DC Motors in special case and for industrial machines in general. In other term, it's a an experimental bench for the proof of concept of machine learning theories.

These are some pictures of the project in prototyping phase. 

Pinguino card based on PIC18F4550 that i made and used in earlier versions of the project.

L293N based Dual H-bridge stepper/DC motor driving card
Some version of the project after merging to Arduino
A Raspberry Pi B+ microcomputer that i plan to use to replace a normal personal computer for learning the Bayesian networks that i need

Here some Articles that i wrote for now using this project:
--> CIMSI'14 international conference Paper
--> IJCA International Journal Paper

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