dimanche 20 septembre 2015

A Data acquisition card for fault diagnosis of DC Motors - Part 2

Here's an up date of my data acquisition system work bench that i presented in a previous article. I decided to share some of the additions that i made to the system.  
In the next picture, one can see some of the added elements comparing to what was presented in the previous article.

A new version of the data acquisition system 

In this picture, one can notice downside the the workbench another added system. This a permanent addition, but used temporarily to measure RPM ( rotations per minute ) of the motor's shaft in order to calibrate two belt-in tachometers inside the system.    

A new version of the data acquisition system with external tachometer
Here, you can see some of the used sensors witch is the DS18B20 digital temperature sensor. In that spot, it measures the external temperature. 

A DS18B20 digital temperature sensor
Another one measuring the internal temperature. Exactly nearing the brushes of the motor's collector.
A DS18B20 digital temperature sensor measuring the internal temperature
In the picture above, one can see one of  the RPM sensing methods witch is an optical sensor to detect the instantaneous passage of the shaft.

Zoom in into the RPM optical sensor
 I wanted to share another thing : the rotation speed control in earlier stages of the project was done by buttons. the yellow button is the Start/Stop one.

Now, it is done by a simple 10k ohms trimmer.  The Yellow button is still there.

 Finally, after all this work, when seeing a massive data streaming beginning to flow out from the system, it's the heaven folks !! welcome to BigData world !

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